2024 In Absolute Space, Stephen Bulger Gallery, Toronto, Canada.
Press Release
Brake: 12 Aluminum Panels, 94 x 24 x 4 inches, unique tintypes on magenta, green and gold (bright and satin) aluminum, 2022
Read Tintype Artist, Jason Snyder, respond to Brake: 12 Aluminum Panels here
In Absolute Space 04719 + Spectator 2516, 24 x 24 x 3 inches, unique tintype on black (bright) aluminum, unique gelatin silver print, black (bright) aluminum, 2016-2022
In Absolute Space 08019 + cmy Rgb, unique tintype on black (bright) aluminum and unique color darkroom print, 10 x 15 x 3.75 inches, 2023
In Absolute Space 05119 + cMy rgb, 8 x 12 x 3 inches, unique tintype on black (bright) aluminum and unique color darkroom print, 2022
Read Curator, Anastasia James respond to In Absolute Space 05119 + cMy rgb here
Three Panel White (triptych), 23 ½ x 12 x 2 ¾ inches (8 x 12 inches each), unique tintypes on white aluminum, 2023
In Absolute Space 105/107, 44 x 24 x 11 inches, unique tintypes on gold and silver (bright) aluminum, 2022
In Absolute Space 316192 + Untitled Color 1016, unique tintype on green aluminum + unique color darkroom print, 20 ½ x 20 x 9 ⅞ inches, 2023
Studio Installation image of 90° In Absolute Space 101, 20 x 78.25 x 14.14 inches, unique tintypes on purple (bright) aluminum + purple (bright) aluminum, 2023
In Absolute Space 202/205 + cmy rGb_LG, 49 x 40 x 4.5 inches, unique color darkroom print and pigmented epoxy, unique tintypes on gold and magenta (satin) aluminum, 2022
Slip Roll Curls, 10 x 22 x 3.5 inches each, unique tintypes on blue and antique copper aluminum (bright and satin finishes), 2023
Slip Roll Curls (detail/alternative), 10 x 22 x 3.5 inches each, tintypes and blue and antique copper (bright and satin) aluminum, 2023